Beautiful pics of Uma Thurman and Vanessa Bayer feet & legs

Uma Karuna Thurman (born August 25 in 1970) is an American model and performer who works as an actor. Thurman has performed in various film projects, such as romantic comedies sci-fi films, dramas and action flicks. Thurman was included in Dangerous Liaisons after her covers in British Vogue for December 1985 and May 1986. Thurman was raised with an Buddhist childhood, and then spent all of two years living in Almora, a town in the state of Northern India, Uttarakhand. Uma Thurman invited her son Levon and his family to the Opening Ceremony in 2023. When she reached 16years old, Thurman left school to pursue an acting career which led to her first film appearance with "Kiss Daddy Goodnight" (1987), the low-budget thriller where she portrayed a young seductress who lures unsuspecting men with the promise of sexual sex only to turn them into drug addicts and then rob the men. Vanessa Polster Bayer (born Vanessa Polster Bayer) is an American comedian, actor as well as a writer and comedian. Bayer is nominated for an Emmy award for her time as a part of the cast of The NBC comedy sketch series Saturday Night Live. Vanessa Polster Bayer is an American actor and comedian. She was born on November 14, 1981.

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